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About Us

Potentia TSH is the cornerstone of educational excellence in the Amber Valley, Bolsover, Chesterfield, Derbyshire Dales, High Peak and North East Derbyshire regions. In serving 327 schools and settings, we take immense pride in nurturing the growth and development of educators across the spectrum. From those just starting their journey in Initial Teacher Training (ITT) or the Early Career Framework (ECF) to experienced professionals seeking to enhance their expertise through National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) and Continuous Professional Development (CPD), Potentia TSH is committed to supporting colleagues at every career stage.

At the heart of our mission lies the Department for Education's 'golden thread' of professional development, which we weave into the fabric of our programmes and services. Our motto, "realising potential through partnership and collaboration," encapsulates our dedication to fostering a culture of collective growth. Through strong partnerships with schools and settings and collaborative efforts, we empower educators to unlock their full potential, enriching the lives of students and communities alike. 


Our Vision

Potentia is at the forefront of evidence-informed educational improvement and professional development throughout the EM3 region. Our TSH is outward-facing, ambitious with a clarity of purpose in the work we undertake. Collaboration at all levels is key to what we do. Fundamentally, this is recognised in the diversity of working partnerships we have and continue to seek out. At the heart of this collaborative approach is a desire to put the wider interest first, and always in front of the needs of any individual or school/setting. In equal measure, our TSH recognises the need to promote and celebrate excellence whilst respectfully and robustly challenge the status quo. We mobilise our wide and diverse range of resources and seek out alternatives where established routines aren’t working in the best interests of children and young people.    

Our TSH forms positive connections between people, schools, settings and organisations through the work it does and is highly aspirational on behalf of the individuals, institutions and communities it serves. It plays a vital role in connecting national policy and initiative to the local level through careful consideration of context, need and approach. High quality, evidence-based professional development opportunities are accessible and widely engaged with. Potentia is inclusive, open and welcoming to all. Our TSH empowers individuals and teams of people at all phases of their career so that they become: critically reflective in their approach; have ownership and responsibility for their own continuous professional development and develop a thirst and passion for life-long learning. 

Potentia is universally recognised throughout EM3 and is known beyond the boundary lines of the region. Our TSH is reputationally strong, operationally efficient and morally centred in terms of its unflinching commitment to improve the life chances and choices for all children and young people via the adults it engages with. The culture of the TSH impacts positively across our working partners: providing meaningful choice, creating opportunity and unlocking potential to help raise aspiration and ambition within the educational workforce. The capacity and capability for transformational school improvement at a local level is substantially increased through the work our hub undertakes.

Our Aims and Values

We believe in making the ‘national’ locally accessible
We aim to achieve this through the contextually considerate way in which we deliver and signpost national initiatives and policy. This is underpinned by the deep-knowledge of, and links with, the schools/settings in the EM3 region and beyond

We believe that educational professionals and schools/settings should feel connected to Potentia and the work we undertake
We aim to be universally recognised within EMH3 and known beyond the region as being reputationally strong, operationally efficient and morally centred in approach

We believe in an inclusive, open and honest culture that builds mutual trust and respect
We aim to promote this through the sincere, clear and timely way in which we communicate and engage with people. We will work collaboratively and in the wider interest at all times

We believe in ‘going the extra mile’ to remove barriers around practitioner/school/setting engagement and accessibility
We aim to provide high-quality CPD throughout EM3 and beyond. We will utilise strategies that overcome factors such as geographical isolation, financial limitation and a lack of understanding around the training that exists in order to broaden access to our programmes

We believe in high quality training and support for everyone entering the profession and throughout their career
We aim to facilitate and signpost professional development opportunities for professionals throughout their career and engender a life-long love of learning

We believe in promoting and celebrating excellence, whilst respectfully and robustly challenging the status quo when it is shown to be not working in the best interests of children and young people

We aim to broaden the reference points for training and support within EMH3. We will equip professionals with the knowledge, understanding and skills to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy, particularly where it isn’t serving the best interests of children and young people

We believe in meaningful collaboration and partnership within and outside of the EM3 region
We aim to work constructively with a number of strategic partners both regionally and nationally so that we remain at the forefront of research-based educational improvement and professional development. We will be outward-facing, self-critical and ambitious in our drive for continuous improvement. We will endeavour to match local need and priorities to CPD opportunities

We believe that Potentia should provide a platform and forum through which school/setting leaders and professionals have the opportunity to contribute both on and in the education system within which we collectively operate

We aim to promote critical and constructive discussion that lessens dependence and increases the scope for independent thought and professional challenge. This implicitly accepts the rights of professionals to receive support from Potentia, whilst simultaneously fostering a responsibility to contribute, steer and bring capacity to the wider school-led system in order to deliver sustainable and successful school/setting improvement over time


The Potentia TSH Team











Peaks Watermark