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Train to Teach


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Getting into Teaching with Potentia TSH

As a Teaching School Hub, we are responsible for providing the DfE's golden thread professional development for teachers from Initial Teacher Training (ITT) all the way through and up to Executive Leadership for the 327 local schools and settings which we serve.

Being an identified centre of excellence, we are responsible for providing high quality, evidenced-informed professional development opportunities to all teachers and leaders at all stages of their careers in Derbyshire.

Our high-quality ITT courses are at the beginning of the golden thread, and we provide teachers who are beginning their career in teaching with the opportunity to achieve their potential across our 327 local schools.


If you are a prospective teacher and interested in learning more about our ITT courses, please follow the link below.


If your school is interested in supporting trainee placements or want to know more about Assessment Only and Teaching Apprenticeship routes for existing staff, please follow the link below.


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